- "This Isn't Fun Anymore" And What To Do

Tricky, tricky! Today's Scentsy selling tip is about getting your traffic to become your Scentsy leads.

It's not just as simple as getting people to click into your site. They can just as easily click out again if they don't like what they see, right? Right. So your creativity and ingenuity count right here. Please your visitors! How do you do that though?

Well, from a blogging perspective just make sure your content is good.

High quality information that people can use and understand. And a great call to action to send them to your lead capture pages. That isn't to say that when you are first getting started your stuff is going to be 100% awesome, but you have to start somewhere so write about what you know. (When I really got going what I did was read, or watch a training video and then go right away and write about it as soon as the concept clicked. It's amazing how a good rush of adrenaline can improve your writing skills.)

Honestly though, this Scentsy selling tip is pretty in depth. You will have to go to more training to get the whole picture, but I hope you will go away from this article with the concept planted properly. Your job will be to brainstorm and plan and DO so that your seed can grow roots and thrive in a healthy, productive environment.

You'll need a good lead capture page. You can do it from your blog, but if you don't know how to write a good lead capture page - a convincing and exciting lead capture page, then you could get stuck and wonder why all of your many visitors don't take advantage of your stuff.

The key is to have a lead magnet. Magnetize your lead capture pages so that when your leads come they can't help themselves! *wink*

Scentsy selling tip of the day: Magnetize your lead capture page.

Let me tell you a story. Recently I watched a man who has been struggling using the same lead generation system that I use and then one day something must have clicked in his head because his inner genius came out.

He took a pre-recorded webinar that was packed with education about his desired topic, and he re-packaged by creating a Facebook event, called it by the name that he made up for it, and generated leads from people who wanted that information.

They put in their name and email address, and when the hit the submit button that pre-recorded webinar popped up for them to watch. Brilliant, to say the least. He barely had to do anything and he was generating leads from a webinar that he didn't even have to lead.

When you're new that's what you have to do. You have to promote someone else's product in a new and totally "You" way.

If you're new to internet network marketing then you may be sailing for a flying loop right now, but trust me - file this little Scentsy selling tip away for when you're ready cause you're going to need it soon enough, my friend.

Use that God given machine that is your brilliant mind. Brainstorming is your best friend. Get it out on paper and see what amazing ideas flow to you in the form of inspiration.

I'll talk to you later!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6291656